Cassandra GUI 2.0 - Making things a little bit easier

Jun 18, 2012 · 2 minute read · Comments

Update (2014 October 31st)

You can download WSO2 Storage server  1.1.0 which ships Cassandra explorer and many interesting tools to manage storages. Please follow the following links for documentation to use Cassandra Explorer.

Download the product

Extract the binary and run the product. (See "Starting the server" after extracting )

Documentation about Explorer


Cassandra GUI evolved from its first version and new version includes bug fixes and enhanced features.

New features.

Bug Fixes

  • Remote connection problem
  • Connect to Remote Cassandra server without restarting the server.

Start the Server

You can download the server here.

Extract the downloaded product and lets refer extracted folder as CARBON_HOME.

go to CARBON_HOME/bin and run sh (linux) or

Log in to the admin console using https://localhost:9443/
default user name and password : admin, admin

Following screen shots include a quick flow on how it works.

1) Click connect to cluster on right hand side panel. Give connection URL and credentials (if there is any) to connect.

eg: URL = localhost:9160,  or

2) After a Successful connection you will be directed to keyspace listing page. Which will include Keyspaces and clickable column family names. Click on a Column Family to Explore data.

3) Row view Page.
After clicking the column family you have landed in the row view page. It includes rows of your column family and a slice of column data as a summary.

You can search, paginate or change no of items to filter your data. Click "view more" to explore a single row.

4) Column family view page will list all the columns in a single row. You can filter the data with column name,value or time stamp. full numbered pagination is available. 

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