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Sep 17, 2014 · 1 minute read · Comments

  It has been a week since i have became a student once more in my life. I like the experience of recreating the feelings that i had when i was a student ago two years back. Since now this blog is full of technical content and i did not have much time to blog much about my other experiences. But now this is a new life so thought of doing the same to my blog. Lets see how the new story unfolds...

I am an EMDC ( European Masters in Distributed Computing) student at IST (Instituto Superior Técnico) and KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) in Sweden. This offering is great not only because of the content it offers but the cultural experience you will gain. It is a bonus..

During the first week I was fortunate to visit some of the very beautiful places in Lisbon. I should say the coastal area is really fantastic even though i am coming from a place with full of beaches covering my beautiful island Sri Lanka. I will post more about that place in another post with more details.. and of course with pictures. Till then Just relax with the view out of my apartment...

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