Do we need to master memory in Google's Era ?

Feb 2, 2015 · 2 minute read · Comments

 If you need any information you just type Google. Simple is n't it? So do we have to bother about memorizing anything this world? Is there a pay back for what you memorize? Can we rely on internet and only just learn how to search and can we be successful?

 I am sure most of the people have forgotten the importance of memorizing things in this information age. But the people who master memorizing things excel more often than people who do not. The simple reason is you can apply only what you know.

As a Software Engineer and as a Masters student in computer science we often think for any problem we can just Google and find answers. But how fast? You may say within seconds you may have thousands of results before you.

But... You need to type go to the first answer and if you are lucky you have a hit.. If not repeat until you find the correct answer. Imagine you have things in memory.... It will not take fractions of a second to retrieve. It will be simply comparing to a cache retrieval to a Hard disk access.

People often think there are lots of information how can we memorize all these things? Yes it is true that in this digital world content is being produced super faster. But you have to be super smart to filter out what is important to you and memorize those things. We often underestimate the capability of retaining information in our brain and lazily forget techniques to master memory.

If you have not read following book is a great source of encouragement as well as a learning tool by a
Memory Champ Kevin Horsley.

Following video is one of his world record breaking videos [Successful World Record attempt in Pi matrix memorization]

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